
Signatories are the organizations certified by the Canberra Accord in various countries and regions, who accredit architectural education programs and validates their substantial equivalency.

Provisional Signatories are the organizations in process of becoming Signatories and preparing to be certified.

Acreditadora Nacional de Programas de Arquitectura y Disciplinas del Espacio Habitable(ANPADEH)

The National Accreditor of Programs of Architecture and Habitable Space Disciplines (ANPADEH), is the non-governmental organization recognized and endorsed by the Higher Education Accreditation Council (Consejo para la Acreditación de la Educación Superior – COPAES) to grant in Mexico accreditations to educational programs that meet the parameters of quality established in its regulatory framework of reference in the university undergraduate level, on the basis of their technical, legal and financial capacity.

ANPADEH's mission is to evaluate the quality of education in the fields of its concern with social and institutional relevance; likewise, its commitment is to look for ways that contribute to the best education of Architecture and Disciplines of the Habitable Space and its vision as an accrediting body is to monitor the quality of educational processes with efficiency, objectivity, equity and transparency. ANPADEH seeks to ensure that institutions meet quality objectives with international standards such as the Canberra Accord on Architectural Education since 2008.

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Av. Coyoacán No. 1531–B Colonia del Valle Sur
Alcaldía Benito Juárez

Ciudad de México, C. P. 03104

Phone: 52.55.5542.6605

Canadian Architectural Certification Board/Conseil canadien de certification en architecture (CACB-CCCA)

The CACB is the sole organization recognized by the architectural profession in Canada to assess the educational qualifications of architecture graduates (Academic Certification Program) and to accredit professional degree programs in architecture that are offered by Canadian universities (Accreditation Program), and to certify professional qualifications of broadly experienced foreign architects (BEFA Certification Program).

The CACB’s head office is in Ottawa, Ontario. It adheres to the principles of fairness, transparency, clarity, and ethical business practices in all of its activities.

The CACB is committed to fostering excellence in architectural education.

The CACB is also committed to continuing cooperation with architectural profession at large, and accrediting agencies in Canada and internationally.

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1 Nicholas, Suite 710
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7

Phone: (613) 241-8399

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA)

On 3 September 1956, 27 architects gathered and formed The Hong Kong Society of Architects. As its membership increased, the society was recognition by the Royal Institute of British Architects as an Allied Society. The change of name from “society” to “institute” was effected in 1972 and initiated a new phase of activities for the HKIA. In 1990, the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Incorporation Ordinance (Chapter 1147) was enacted, which has governed the running of the institute since then. 

Today the Hong Kong Institute of Architects has more than 5,000 members and more than 190 architecture firms as corporate members. In addition to the Hong Kong office, the institute has also operated a representative office in Beijing since 2006. 

The institute’s main objectives are

• to promote the general advancement of architecture and to promote and facilitate the acquisition of the knowledge of the various arts and sciences concerned herewith;

• to raise the standard of architecture in Hong Kong and the standard of professional architectural services offered by members of the institute.

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19/F, One Hysan Avenue
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Phone: +852-2511 6323


Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET)

IEET is an authorized professional accreditation agency for architectural programs. Established in 2003, IEET now has the following disciplines within its accreditation portfolio and most of which have been in alignment with the respective international frameworks: architectural education (Canberra Accord: since 2020), engineering education (Washington Accord: since 2007), computing and IT-related education (Seoul Accord: since 2009), engineering technological education (Sydney Accord: since 2014), and design education.

IEET accreditation system is student outcomes-based, and it is via such focus that IEET works to facilitate quality enhancement of architecture programs. While IEET accreditation does not link directly with licensure of architects, the accrediting process is intended to verify that graduates of each accredited program meet the academic requirements for entry to the architecture profession.

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7F, No. 554, Linsen N. Rd.
Zhongshan District
Taipei, Taiwan, 104030

Phone: +886 2 2585 9506


JABEE (Accereditation organization of Japan)

JABEE is a non-governmental organization established in 1999, which evaluates and accredits architecture education programs, engineering education programs, and computing and IT-related education programs.

The JABEE Accreditation Criteria apply the principle of international framework of program accreditation, such as the Canberra Accord (since 2019), the Washington Accord (since 2005), and the Seoul Accord (since 2008), intending to ensure the quality of education of accredited programs to be internationally recognized as substantially equivalent.

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Kenchiku Kaikan 4F (AIJ Building)
5-chōme-26-20 Shiba
Minato City, Tokyo 108-0014

Phone: +81-3-5439-5031

Korea Architectural Accrediting Board (KAAB)

Established in 2005, the Korea Architectural Accrediting Board (KAAB) is the sole accrediting agency for professional architectural programs in Korea. In addition to accrediting professional degree programs in architecture in Korea, the KAAB is also charged with promoting continuous improvements in architectural education along with improved understanding for architects’ roles in society.

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1044-34 Sadang-dong
Dongjak-gu, Seoul Korea

Phone: +822 521 1930

National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)

The NAAB is the sole agency authorized to accredit US professional degree programs in architecture. Since most state registration boards in the United States require any applicant for licensure to have graduated from a NAAB-accredited program, obtaining such a degree is an essential aspect of preparing for the professional practice of architecture. While graduation from a NAAB-accredited program does not assure registration, the accrediting process is intended to verify that each accredited program substantially meets those standards that, as a whole, comprise an appropriate education for an architect.

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107 S. West Street, Suite 707

Alexandria, VA 22314


National Board of Architectural Accreditation (NBAA)

National Board of Architectural Accreditation of China (NBAA), established in 1990, is the designated organization authorized for the organization and implementation of architectural accreditation at the university level in China. Guided by the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), it operates and coordinates with the National Administration Board of Architect Registration (NABAR) which is the authority for the examination and registration of the First Class Registered Architect. NBAA is composed of around 30 experts, with architectural educators and senior architects respectively accounting for half of the overall members. The Architectural Society of China has an ex officio seat in NBAA and since 2016 has been undertaking NBAA’s daily work.

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No.9 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, China 100835

Tel: 86-10-88082237


South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP)

SACAP is legally charged to regulate the architectural profession in South Africa in terms of the Architectural Profession Act No. 44 of 2000 (the Act). Amongst other things, SACAP regulates the architectural profession by setting up standards for registration, education and training and accredit architectural programmes at educational institutions which persons must complete to register with SACAP.

Section 13 (a) & (b) of the Act mandates SACAP to conduct accreditation visits to any educational institution which has a department, school, or faculty of architecture. SACAP is empowered to either conditionally or unconditionally grant, refuse, or withdraw accreditation. SACAP conducts accreditation visits at least once during the term 4 years of office of the Council.

SACAP recognises that architectural professionals practice architecture in a global environment. As such, architectural education competencies, systems, and standards must align to international best practice. This ensures architectural programs offered in South African educational institutions are internationally recognised amongst the signatories of the Canberra Accord.

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51 Wessel Road, Right Wing, Rivonia, Sandton, 2128

PO Box 1500, Rivonia, 2128

Phone: +27 11 479 5000

Provisional Signatories

UNESCO-UIA Validation System for Architectural Education

Founded in 1948, the UIA is a federation of national professional organisations working to unify architects, influence public policies and advance architecture in service to the needs of society.

Former Signatories

  • The Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA)

    Between 2008 - 2022

  • The Australian Institute of Architects

    Between 2008 - 2018