The Canberra Accord recognizes the substantial equivalency of accreditation / validation systems in architectural education.
The Canberra Accord is intended to facilitate the portability of educational credentials between the countries whose accreditation / validation agencies signed the Accord.
The Canberra Accord recognizes the substantial equivalency of accreditation / validation systems in architectural education of its Signatories.
Substantial equivalency identifies a program/me as comparable in educational outcomes in all significant aspects, and indicates that it provides an educational experience meeting acceptable standards, even though such program/me may differ in format or method of delivery.
The signatory members of the Canberra Accord cover numerous architectural education programs worldwide, between which the substantial equivalency has been validated.
Signatory Members
Students and Graduates of CA accredited programs may be exempted from requirements of registrations and examinations for professional qualifications of various countries and regions.
<< Tips for students studying abroad & graduates
If you are a student or a graduate of a program accredited by signatories, or thinking about applying for another programs abroad, Canberra Accord may facilitate the portability of your educational credentials.
It also supports identifying whether the program which you are thinking of enrolling can provide valid credentials for license registration process at home country.
For details regarding the signatory members and their accredited programs, please go here>>
The “Canberra Accord on Architectural Education” was signed on April 9, 2008 in Canberra, Australia.
About the Accord >>
In May 2006, the National Architectural Accrediting Board, the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, and The American Institute of Architects convened the first International Invitational Accreditation / Validation Roundtable in Washington DC, towards forming an accord on accreditation / validation in architectural education. Leadership from the architectural accrediting agencies of multiple countries as well as leaders from the International Union of Architects (UIA) attended.
At the third International Invitational Accreditation/Validation Roundtable convened in Canberra, Australia in April 2008, the “Canberra Accord on Architectural Education: Recognition of Substantial Equivalence between Accreditation/Validation Systems in Architectural Education” was signed on April 9, 2008 in Canberra, Australia.
For more information about the Accord and its history, please go here>>.
Please join us to further strengthen the global network of architectural education equivalency.
<< For joining the Accord
Canberra Accord welcomes any countries and organizations interested in joining the accord.
In order to become the member of the CA Signatories, each accrediting system is requested to apply for provisional status in the Accord. This is the first step toward full signatory status in the Accord.
For further details on the procedures, please go here>>